IPSC Registration Form
If you are unable to pay using this form, please pay by bank transfer using the details below:
Bank: Coutts & Co, 440 Strand, London, WC2R 0QS
Account Name: English-Speaking Union
Account No:
Sort Code: 18-00-02
IBAN: GB50COUT18000201817590
If paying by transfer, please write which country you are paying from and include ‘IPSC’ in the payment reference (for example IPSC LATVIA 2021). Do please also let my colleague, Luke Robinson, Financial Accountant, know once the payment has been made. He can be reached at
Thank you for your ongoing support of the ESU International Public Speaking Competition. We are delighted to have you on board and look forward to meeting your national winners online in May 2021.
The subscription fee must be paid by national competition organisers in its entirety. For 2021 the IPSC subscription fee for international ESUs is included in the ICM subscription. We do not therefore need a separate fee payment from these national organisers.
The fee must be paid by Monday, 1 March. If the ESU does not receive the fee by Monday, 1 March, the ESU reserves the right to exclude the relevant participant from the competition. Note that although the payment must be made by the national organisers to the ESU, parts of the fee may be passed on to appropriate others as seen fit.
The IPSC subscription fee is required from all organisers of IPSC feeder competitions in order to best allow the ESU to plan effectively for each year’s activities and processes. If you have any concerns about the payment, including the timing of the payment, please contact the IPSC convenor.